Friday, October 10, 2008

Bible Speaks

Proverbs 3
25) Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
26) for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.
27 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.

These are three verses that stuck out for me while reading today. Verse 25-26 reminds me to chill out about the stock market's free fall, I have been silently freaking about the economy but I have no control there anyway. Verse 27 just reinforces that God wants me to be more encouraging and positive to others in all situations. BTW...I love my wife! I forgot my bag today and she brought it to me. She's the best:00:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mid Week Ponderings

My wife (totally hot) follows lots of blogs. She reads the very tragic stories and will sit and cry with the blogger. I am glad she is so sensitive and compassionate. I guess I do not like the uncomfortable feeling of grief and helplessness. The latest story involved a sweet family whose baby did not live long after the birth. It made me thank God for my healthy kids and for the first time in a very long while, I had some real empathetic feelings for someone I did not know. I can only imagine the heart ache and frustration that couple must be enduring. I don't know them but I will be praying for them in the coming days.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I am a coach, I am a coach of some less than talented players, I am the coach of some less than talented players at a school that drains you dry. Despite that, we won last night against a greater foe from across the tracks, up the hill, through the gates and on the left. I am proud of our kids and other coaches. Victories are rare around here, so we tend to cherish them. I ramble through all of that to make a personal observation about myself. I am definitely a less than talented player in God's athletic program. At times, I feel like I have been kicked around whichever sporting venue is in season. What is sad is that I have been pretty much satisfied bitching about the other sucky players and ignoring my own suckitude. (I like new words and sports analogies) Just an observation as we were beating a team that usually kicks our butts.

I have begun to read the bible. No, not anything too deep, just Proverbs. I can remember my dad reading them to me when I was a kid. I remember thinking how repetitive it was and thought the book could have been 2 chapters long. I am only 2 chapters in and it is repetitive, but I am looking to take some things to heart and dare to apply them. After two days, I have read and prayed and things are going OK. I hope to start a new habit. My wife (devastatingly beautiful), has even read my blog and likes it. I will try to leave out names to protect the innocent. I won't be able to exercise today due to a game and getting in late but Wednesday through Sunday will be my exercise days. I am looking forward to getting back at it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Something has to Change

This is my inaugural posting. I am a virgin to blogging so this is a different thing for me. My wife has been blogging for a couple of months but I have not been interested in doing it myself. In Sunday School today, I made a comment about talking to someone at work that I usually avoid. I realized that if you are not on my radar, I would never go out of my way to talk to or get to know you. I made a decision in class to try to start changing that. By choice at first and now by habit, I limit my circle of people I know. I am a social person but like to control the situation and surroundings. I am a retentive and controlling individual. It has gotten worse in my graying days. I feel it is time to begin to work on it. On the way home today, my wife said some things that were right on. One of them was about my comfort zone. I have a very small, cozy, safe zone. I've had it for a long time and it has begun to get very stifling. This blog is way out of my zone. I share things with my wife but never with others. No one may read this but at least it is out there to be seen by somebody.
I plan do work through 4 things in this blog.
  • things I pray for
  • things from the bible I read
  • attitudes about God, religion, and being a Christian
  • physical fitness (or lack of)

I usually pray each day but it is never scheduled or disciplined. I plan to use this blog as accountability for my bible and prayer time. As the son of a preacher man, I have always been in church but not always in the proper spirit. Over time I have become crusty and sceptical and slightly critical. I am asking God to change that about me and help me to be more accepting,and compassionate. In addition, I will throw in my exercise for the day. I was exercising a lot before school began but have stopped. I feel like that this is enough blogging for my first time. I would not want to strain something. Thanks for listening...stay tuned!