Saturday, I was cleaning and doing the laundry. When I went to Jack's room to put away his clothes, I noticed he had no socks in his drawer. Most of you would not know the sock issues that afflicts Jack. It is just this side of OCD. Anyway, I asked him, "Jack, where are your socks?" He said, "I packed them." Jack is ready to go to the "Pond" aka OK. He brought his backpack to me. When I looked inside, he had packed all of his socks...dress socks...socks without matches...everything sock related. In addition, he had rat-holed 15 or 20 Star Wars "guys" in the bottom of his pack. He said, "I packed for 'Okahoma'." Funny! Grandmother and Granddad, get ready for a mostly naked yet fully socked Jackman carrying Han Solo, Luke, or some other character.