This blog is designed to kick me out of my comfort zone. I will try to express my feelings about God, church, and personal demons. At times, my thoughts tend to be random but are always intended to be humorous. I have the Spiritual gift of Sarcasm and Criticism so beware.
Monday, July 6, 2009
How do I love thee....
I want to tell everyone a little about my wife. Her name is Jana Renee McKay Simmons. She is the most incredible person to walk the Earth in a couple thousand years. I love her very much and appreciate her to death. We have so much fun when we are together. I love to work with Jana. We have completed so many projects together over the years. She works very hard and does a wonderful job at everything. This weekend, we (by we I mean she) painted our bedroom. It looks awesome (http://janasimmons.blogspot.com/). Since the spring, she has painted every room except Bryson's room and the guest bathroom, which are next on the list.
On the 4th, we got to go to Springtown to spend time with our Sunday school class (thanks to Brent, LeAnn and Parker County). I really enjoy spending time with our friends. Jana and I got to play horseshoes together for the first time. We won of course. Besides her beauty, Jana is quite accomplished as an athlete. What a physique! What great form! I love the way she works and plays. After dark, the fire works began bursting in air. It became apparent after the first explosion that Addison was not into POW POWS. Jana took her inside and let me fulfill my innate need to blow things up. The boys were able to nurture the pyro in us all. Thanks sweetie!