I am slowly reading through the first book of the bible for the first time. I am discovering some new things and I'm shocked by others as I remember and read the stories. For instance, I just realized that the Earth was flooded by rain alone. The bible says the springs burst forth as well. I always thought it would take more that 40 days to flood the Earth and its tallest mountains.
I had heard the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Sunday School as a kid and never really paid attention to the details other than someone turning into a pillar of salt. I always thought that that would be cool to see. While reading yesterday, I was surprised by the Shawshank moment at Lot's house in Sodom. I was even more dismayed by Lot offering his virgin daughters to the mob of homos surrounding his house. Then of course there was the scene where these same daughters got their dad drunk and seduced him becoming pregnant.
Is the world really worse now than then? I'm thinking probably not. People are people...wicked is wicked...sick is sick.