In our SS class this week, our most excellent teacher posed some questions about the "Church." It got me thinking about the differences between "The Church" (Followers of Christ) and my church. I guess I realized for the first time that I am a Baptist as well as a member of a non/multiple/denominational church. I love analogies so one might compare it to government. Governments operate on a local, city, county, state, and Federal levels. I'm not intending this to be blasphemous, just a comparison to help me grasp a slippery concept. I used to ask my dad why the Baptists were right and everyone else was wrong. I think I am just beginning to see the answer for the first time.
Circular thoughts:
My church is just one small part of "The Church" but not all members of my church are followers of Christ therfore not members of "The Church." I guess they are prospects???