Friday, April 10, 2009

I've got to teach Sunday School for a Week!

Genesis continues to leave me in shock and awe. The level of deception I have discovered is quite interesting. Not to be out done by Lot's daughters, I offer exhibits A and B. Exhibit A...a man is killed by God for "spilling his seed on the ground (ch. 38)." Exhibit B...Jacob's wife fakes her period to hide idols she stole from her father (ch. 31). Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not think Lifeway has yet to create a Sunday School lesson for these incidents. There are off-Broadway musicals, maybe I can pen some off-Lifeway lessons. Genesis...Keep it coming! I'm up to Joseph's rise to power in Egypt...around chapter 42.


Anonymous said...

Aren't we humans complicated? Our excuses for our fragility are even more complicated because of our deceitful hearts OF OURSELVES! We have been given a new heart, a new mind, and a new spirit....wonderful why with all of this POWER resident within us, we sometimes use lame excuses to cover our idols or have idols in the first place? Like an OMNIPOTENT and OMNISCIENT can't see all, hear all, and know all? Are we too different than our families in Genesis?

Anonymous said...

Scratch the wonderful...Wonder why with much for preview! Oh yes, Omniscient and Onipotent GOD. The usual of my life...always having to edit what has already been said or written. Thank God for grace and "Do overs"!