Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rules to live by...

God has it covered. After reading through chapter 24 of Exodus, I realized God had rules for everything. I was uncomfortable about the rules for slavery but intrigued by the others. I'll chalk it up to different time, different place, and different culture that I do not completely understand.

I think Dave Ramsey may not appreciate God's apparent green light for lending and borrowing money.
  • Chapter 22, verse 25 "If you lend money to my people, to any of the down-and-out among you, don't come down hard on them and gouge them with interest."
I was a bit uncomfortable with Sunday's Dave Ramsey lesson. I get the principle (and it is sound), but I do not feel comfortable picking single verses, out of context, from the Bible to make a point. Context is everything. My dad once told be to be wary of such constructed lessons. He said, partially in jest, that he could use single verses out of context to make them say whatever he wanted. That has always stuck with me. I think I could sense Brian's (scroll down after clicking link, Brian Hatcher) hesitancy while presenting the lesson. Maybe it was just gas but I thought he seemed somewhat unsettled.

Anyway, track has officially ended and spring football has taken hold. It is a Monday through Thursday till 5:00-ish commitment for 4 weeks. I thank God for Jana every day. Her support is comforting and encouraging to me. I love her with all my heart! Thanks baby! Sorry if that got too mushy.

Every morning I hug and kiss on Jana in front of the kids and they gag. I did too (gag), but I knew my dad and mom loved each other without question. I want to pass that legacy on to my children. Thanks mom! And no, I do not need or want to hear about you and Richard! Too much of a good thing.............................

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